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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Copp's Coupon Match-ups Week of 4/3

First of all, Saturdays during the month of April are Double Double Days.  Every Saturday in the month of April, Copp's will double up to 10 manufacturer coupons $1.00 or less in value.  All other coupon rules apply.

Smart Balance Milk $2.00 each - 3/27 Smart Source $2.00 off 1 coupon = free milk (before tax)
Click Here for a $1.00 off 1 Smart Balance Milk.  This coupon will double up to $2.00 making the milk free.

Stayfree Maxi Pads 2/$3.98 (found in last Wednesday's Copp's coupon booklet)
3/27 Red Plum $1.00 off 1 coupon
Use 2 to get 2 packages of pads free

Tide 36 oz Stain Release $5.98 (in ad coupon)
4/3 P&G $3.00 off 1 36 oz or larger Tide Stain Release
Final Price = $2.98

Here is the rest of my grocery list so far.  I apologize but I don't know the week of the inserts for the remainder of my match-ups.  Feel free to leave a comment if you've found more or know the source of the coupons.

Birds Eye SteamFresh Frozen Veggies 5/$5.00
1 $1.00 off 3 doubled = 3/$1.00
1 $.50 off 2 doubled = 2/$1.00

Birds Eye Freshlike Frozen Veggies 2/$2.00
1 $.50 off 2 doubled = 2/$1.00

Yoplait Vanilla Yogurt 6/$3.00 x 4 = 24/$12.00
4 $.40 off 6 doubled = $4.80 = 24/$7.20 (final price = $.30/each)

Softsoap Refill bottle $2.78 (found in last Wednesday's Copp's coupon booklet)
1 $.50 off 1 doubled = 1/$1.78

Ken's Dressing $1.66/each
1 $1.00 off 1 doubled = free

Mrs. T's Pierogies $1.99
1 $1.00 off 1 doubled = free
(This is a manufacturer's coupon included in last Wednesday's Copp's coupon booklet)

Suave Kid's Shampoo $1.48 (found in last Wednesday's Copp's coupon booklet)
1 $.50 off 1 coupon doubled = $.48

Seventh Generation Laundry, Dish, or Cleaning Product on sale 20% off
$1.00 off 1 Seventh Generation Household or Personal Care Product coupon found here


  1. I'm blown away by all of this! You're so good at all of the research. But how do you handle running here and there and everywhere just to get what seems like a few items at each store??

  2. The beauty of this blog is that we can share deals we find or learn of, but not necessarily complete ourselves. There are some deals just too good to pass up, but we do for one reason or another. So while it may seem like we spend lots of time searching out and scoring deals, we really aren't. And on the occasional day when we do, it's been a well planned out day that leaves us feeling pretty amazing and exhausted!
